Monday, December 18, 2017

94% Take Personal Security Precautions

94% Take Personal Security Precautions

One of the recurring issues around the Internet of Things is security.

As billion of devices get installed and connected around the globe, a countless number of new links among smart devices will be used to provide consumers with new real-time information and services.

Because of various security breaches widely reported, most (94%) consumers have heard stories about them, and many are doing something about it, based on a new study.

The majority (54%) of consumers have changed some online habits as a result of news stories about security breaches according to the study, comprising a survey of 2,200 U.S. adults conducted by Harris Poll for Tenable.

Consumers have security worries about their personal information when doing various Internet-connected things, such as connecting to public Wi-Fi (63%), shopping online (58%) or connecting on social media (35%).

Consumers have taken a range of actions to protect themselves. Here are some of the precautions they have taken in the last 12 months, according to the survey:

  • 68% -- Avoid opening links from unsolicited email
  • 56% -- Use a password to lock computer
  • 53% -- Made password more complicated
  • 48% – Installed updated antivirus software
  • 45% -- Use a pin to lock mobile device
  • 26% -- Use a credit monitoring service
  • 25% -- Implemented two-factor authentication
  • 25% -- Use firewall on computer
  • 19% -- Implemented biometric security (fingerprint, voice recognition)
  • 17% -- Put sticker over webcam
  • 15% -- Use a password management tool



It appears stories about security breaches impact consumers, since almost all (94%) have taken at least some security precaution in the past 12 months.

Most (67%) consumers have not had personal information stolen due to a security breach while 12% said they have. Another 21% don’t know.

Consumers not only are aware of potential security issues, the majority (63%) are worried about their personal information being compromised.

Social media


December 18, 2017 at 01:12PM

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