Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Facebook's Goldman Calls Russian Ads A Nothingburger, Turns Into A 'Shit Sandwich'

Facebook's Goldman Calls Russian Ads A Nothingburger, Turns Into A 'Shit Sandwich'


Facebook Vice President-Ads Rob Goldman posted an internal company message apologizing for a series of tweets he made Friday characterizing Russia's use of ads on Facebook as a big nothingburger. "I wanted to apologize for having tweeted my own view about Russian interference without having it reviewed by anyone internally," according to a copy of the statement reported by "Wired." "The tweets were my own personal view and not Facebook's. I conveyed my view poorly. The Special Counsel has far more information about what happened [than] I do -- so seeming to contradict his statements was a serious mistake on my part.

Social media

via MediaPost.com http://ift.tt/2nAOR8B

February 20, 2018 at 08:59AM

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